Friday, 28 June 2019

My Basketball Modifications

This is my basketball modification that I came up with. I don't really want to change them but if I had to this is what I would change it to.

1. Less People On one team

Fortball Modifications

My Personal Fortball Modifications

  • I would change the ball to a rugby ball for easier passes and pick ups
  • I would change it so you have to be 1 metre away from the fort so it helps the person getting the ball
  • I would also make it so you have at least 2 minutes in the fort so you can figure out what you can do and get your teammates help.

My Hand Measurements

This is my hand measurements. We measured the Length with a regular ruler and my hand length was 16.5cm. My Hand area is 212 1cm squares. My hand capacity was measured with jelly beans and how many I could hold was my measurement. My hand volume was measured by dipping my hand in a 800 litre jug and seeing what it went up to myn went up by 225ml.
212 1cm Squares
23 Jelly Beans